Very Light Weight | 56 Inch Wide | Extra Soft

Egyptian Crinkle color black 2 linen Blend 2.5 Oz (Very Light Weight | 50/53" Inch Wide | Washed) Sheer/

$ 23.95 $ 19.25 Sale
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Egyptian Crinkle color Black 2. The color description is: A medium cream color. The content of this fabric is  Linen blend  The weight is approx 2.5 Oz.

Depending on the weight the fabrics from our online fabric store can be used for DIY Sewing projects from upholstery to drapery to fashion apparel. You can create bedding, napkins, curtains, furniture,and home decor projects. Usually Light Weight fabrics are used for clothing and Heavy Weight fabrics are used for upholstery and drapery, while medium weight fabrics are All-Purpose.

This premium fabric has flax and yarn from premier countries and meets the highest environmental standards because it is inspected, treated, dyed, and washed in the USA.